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Venn PCN Providing NHS services

Be Well service

The ‘Be Well’ service provides a variety of health and wellbeing support for patients who are registered with our practices and over 18 years old.

  • Community Link Workers
  • Health & Lifestyle Practitioners

Community Link Workers

Are you feeling lonely or isolated and would benefit from support to access local services, groups or activities? Are you unemployed, need support with benefits or housing and this is having an impact on your welfare and wellbeing? Would you benefit from sign positing to local services to support any social needs? Our Community Link Workers focus on what matters to you to help plan care and support that is individual to you. Support will be offered to connect to the local community services, groups and activities to best support your needs.

Health & Lifestyle Practitioners

Have you recently been diagnosed with prediabetes and you would like support to make lifestyle changes and help reduce your risk of developing diabetes in the future? Have you recently had an NHS Health Check where your QRISK score was >10%, and you would like support to reduce your score? Our Health and Lifestyle Practitioners can support you to improve your diet, increase your physical activity levels, stop smoking and reduce your alcohol intake.

Speak with a member of practice staff if you require further information or would like to discuss a referral to the ‘Be Well’ Health & Wellbeing Service. Support will take place within your GP Practice and can last up to 12 months.