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Venn PCN Providing NHS services

Test results

If you have a test done at the practice or are referred for a test by the practice, for example, the GP referred you for an x-ray, your results will come back to us. The practice won't usually get your results if the tests have been requested elsewhere, such as by the hospital.

How long should I wait for the results?

Please allow 7 days for urine and blood test results and 14 days for the results of an X-ray, Ultrasound, CT scan, PET scan or MRI.

Will my surgery contact me with the results?

If your results are abnormal and you need a follow-up, we will get in touch with you.

My test results were normal, but I am still experiencing symptoms, what should I do?

If your results have come back normal, but you are still experiencing symptoms, please arrange a further appointment to discuss this.

How can I get my results?

If you haven't heard from us within the expected amount of time, please contact your practice.