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Venn PCN Providing NHS services

Service user voice


Do you want to provide your feedback and help make positive changes to services?

We want to hear from our patients as you are best placed to tell us what is working well and what could be improved. To become a member please email or call 01482 236809 for an informal chat about the group.

What is SUV?

SUV is a service user group where service users and carers can share their experiences of using our services. As well as sharing feedback members can provide their opinions on service leaflets, gather other service users opinions, complete surveys and much more!

Who is SUV for?

SUV is for anyone who is a patient at one of our practices, as well as CHCP services and the carers of people who use these services.

We are looking for people who

  • are approachable
  • have an interest in other people’s opinions
  • are impartial and objective
  • are able to respect people’s confidentiality

In return for joining members of SUV will be able to

  • use your feedback to improve services
  • attend free training such as IT and functional skills
  • have the opportunity to gather feedback from other service users
  • attend events

What if I don’t have time to attend meetings?

Why not join our CHCP Voice Facebook Group? Just search for ‘CHCP Voice’ on Facebook, it’s that simple.

CHCP Voice is an online group that allows service users and carers of service users to provide their feedback and opinions without attending meetings. Members of CHCP Voice will be asked to contribute agenda items, complete surveys, and provide feedback on CHCP services.